another week of 30+ degrees, but always something to capture!

This week has been similar to the past 6 weeks..........HOT!!

I tend to go 'stir crazy', if I don't pick up the camera for a couple of days and I always work by the theory, that if i'm not out searching, i'm not going to find anything!

I usually try to concentrate on one new target subject, so that I can tell you a little about it, along with dedicated images. However, In the current weather climate, this has not been possible and as much as I try to get out with the camera every day, the heat has been intense, resulting in most of the local wildlife continuing to hide away from the sun and my best attempts to find them.  

So here are a selection of newly taken shots, of creatures that I have been able to find, but may have previously covered in my blogs.................hope you like them.

And then, just as I had exhausted the Natural History of my garden, this fella flew overhead. Looking at the 'Australia' logo on the 'canopy', I guess he must have taken a wrong turn somewhere, to end up flying over South West France! 


  1. Think everything you have taken here is around in our garden as well, just your macros are sooooooo good. Sigh, one day I will get a new lens.

    The last shot made me laugh, he had come a long way of course it seems.

    Have a good week, Diane


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