Another wildlife week in lockdown

Here are some images from this weeks Garden Safari.  Mainly insects this week, as the weather has improved and the birds are easily finding their food elsewhere.  Even so, it has been an interesting week!

Damselfly silhouette

My first ever Magpie shots........two for joy!

Crane Fly, joins Wagtail for lunch!

The Robins are still bringing Song, and colour to the garden.

This  year, it has been rare to see Kestrels in the garden.

Wood White Butterfly

Robber Fly

Cigada Fly

Cobwebs, after the storm.

Uphill struggle, on the way home with lunch.

Long Horned Bee

Unidentified Caterpillar

Juvenile Green Cricket.

Poor Bee, did not survive!


Longhorn Beetle

Female Blue Tail Damselfly

Male, Blue Tail Damselfly

Long Horned Bee

Crab Spider, invites fly into its parlour!

Unknown Funghi

Take Off

Juvenile Green Cricket


Early, Common Blue Butterfly

Spotted Chafer Beetle


  1. Wonderful set of photos, amazing what we can find around the garden when you are not able to go anywhere 😀 You have picked up the blue in the magpie's wing perfectly.
    Hope all is well, Diane


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